Flat Feet Pain Treatment & Symptoms

Flat Feet Pain Treatment & Symptoms

June 4, 2021 0 By Roger Clemens

You might be wondering what the main flat feet pain treatment and symptoms are, here you can check out that! Most importantly, flat feet mainly and primarily signifies when the inside zone of your feet are flattened enough.

In other words, the entire and whole soles of your feet will be touching the floor whenever you stand up. We have seen that flat feet often contribute to lots of issues and problems.

With such feet, you may experience pain in your knees and ankles. Below you can see what the symptoms of this condition are and how can you treat it:

What are flat feet?

First of all, you should know that individuals having flat feet come with a very low arch. Or you can say that such individuals lack arch. The presence of an arch gives a spring to each single step you take and at the same time, the arch helps you evenly and conveniently distribute your whole weight all across your legs and feet.

Furthermore, your arches have to be sturdy and flexible. Those who have flat feet, we have noticed that their feet generally roll to the inner side whenever they are standing and even walking. Even more, this condition is given the name of overpronation

Symptoms of flat feet pain

Now, you can see and go through the symptoms of having the flat feet. If you have right now any questions, then do let us know:

Most noteworthy, if you have flat feet, then pain issues will always be linked and associated with this condition. You may experience and notice foot pain right there in the heel or arch area of yours. In addition, this pain starts to get worse and intense day by day if you perform walking and running activities. There are a few of the individuals who have complained that their inside ankle zone gets swollen as they have flat feet.

This pain occurs because of having strained muscles as well as connecting ligaments. Besides, the presence of abnormal stresses right on the knee also helps make you a target of this pain.

You have to remember that flat feet bring pain in your inside ankle and swelling in areas like that of the arch of the foot and calf. You feel pain in your knee, hip and even in your lower back and lower legs.

Exercises to treat flat feet pain

There are a large number of professional physical therapists who have recommended and suggested some of the specific exercises to get rid of this flat feet pain problem.

Like, you can go for Heel cord stretching. In this stretching, you stretch your Achilles tendon and even stretch your posterior calf muscles. The rest of the exercises techniques that you can follow are this golf ball roll. You need a chair and a golf ball to perform this exercise.Top of Form

Treatment for flat feet pain

If you are not experiencing and observing any of the symptoms related to flat feet pain, then there is no need to go for treatment. However, if this condition is bringing and resulting in a lot of pain, then it is recommended to wear supportive shoes. In other words, flat feet people should wear well-fitted shoes. These extra-wide-fitting shoes may provide them with a lot of relief.

Furthermore, individuals can go for fitted insoles. Some like to go for orthotics and also custom-designed arches. Through the use of these elements, you will be able to relieve pressure on your flat feet pain zones. In addition, this treatment reduces and brings down the pain element present on your arch as well.

If you have posterior tibial tendonitis, then you should also be inserting and making use of a wedge right into your footwear. By doing so, no load will be placed on your feet and ankles and you can walk and run with ease.

According to experts, it is advised to wear and put on an ankle brace. This is one of the beneficial and productive techniques for reducing inflammation on your feet and ankles.


Now, you know how to treat and cure flat feet pain problems! We even suggest you stop doing and performing those activities that might aggravate and increase the foot pain of yours. If the problem becomes worse, then you can go for surgical options.

Apart from that, if you think that obesity is the main cause and reason for having flat feet, you can treat this condition by losing weight.

Keep in touch with us as more treatment options for curing flat feet pain are coming up.