3 Symptoms that indicate you are infected with Oral STD

3 Symptoms that indicate you are infected with Oral STD

August 9, 2021 0 By Veronika

The progress in technological advancements has made our life way easier and effortless. Not to mention the role internet has played in the last ten years of the human era. We are fortunate to live in an interconnected space where communication across the globe is instantaneous. However, the advancement of technology has come with a few negative health effects that cannot be ignored.

Diseases are spreading across the world and every now and then new diseases are popping up. With too much screen-on time both young children and adults are trapped in long hours disrupting their health. One such disease that is spreading at an exponential rate is Sexually Transmitted Disease, also known as STDs.

In this article, we walk you through what STD is, types of STDs, symptoms of STD, and much more.

What are STDs?

There are certain types of diseases that transmit from one person to another only through intimate contact. Such disease can be deadly and be life-long once you have contracted one. HIV and Herpes are virus-caused STDs that have no cure or very efficient treatment to date. Other STDs which are caused by different types of pathogens like bacteria, and parasites have antibiotics that are effective in treating and killing the bacteria in the right way.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), nearly 1 million new cases of STDs are recorded every single day worldwide. These diseases are declared an epidemic, as many people have lost their lives to HIV.

Types of STDs

Other than the categorization according to the type of microorganism that causes and the cure, STDs are also grouped as per the symptoms they exhibit. General STDs cause symptoms all over the body, some STDs cause symptoms around the oral cavity, they are termed as “Oral STDs”.

Not all STDs have or exhibit oral symptoms. However, there are high chances of seeing symptoms in and around your mouth if you touch your oral cavity without washing your hands after having intimate contact with an infected partner

Symptoms of Oral STDs

Symptoms of Oral STDs do not exhibit as quickly as an allergy does. Some people may experience symptoms only after a few days, it may also take several weeks or even months in rare cases. Following are some of the common symptoms that indicate you are infected with Oral STD –

1.   Oral Sores

Sores are nothing but pimple-like bumps that appear on the skin. If you have multiple intimate partners and do not practice safe sex and experience oral sores, then it most probably indicates that you have contracted an STD.

2.   Sore Throat

Sores throat is another commonly seen symptom for Oral STDs. STDs like Chlamydia, HIV, and Herpes cause oral sores and sore throat symptoms. Oral STDs and their symptoms are more commonly seen in partners who practice oral intimacy as the bacteria gets into the oral cavity directly.

3.   White Spots

White spots at the back of the mouth, like the tonsils, then it likely indicates infections like Gonorrhea, a bacteria-caused STD. White spots are also seen as a symptom in HIV advanced stage.

It is also worth mentioning that, as these symptoms appear more like an allergic reaction to some food or pimples as in some people, most of us tend to misinterpret and do not take any necessary steps.

How to Test for Oral STDs?

If you experience any of the above symptoms then get tested for STDs to confirm your situation for sure. Most people make the mistake of misinterpreting the symptoms as some symptoms or pimple-like infection and expect it to go away after some days without any medications. This is dangerous as the STD can drive your condition far long and lead to severe complications. Some STDs like HIV and Herpes can also lead to death if not detected and treated at the right time.

STD testing providers can be hard to find. Diagnostic listing providers like DxSaver make your life easier by listing out all the labs that provide STD testing options along with their prices in one place. Get tested for oral STDs in the US.


Most STDs are not life-threatening conditions as long as they are detected and treated at the right time. Some STDs tend to be fathomable and you can detect the symptoms as early as you can and get cured with medications. It is always said the “prevention is better than cure”. Abstaining intimate contact with multiple partners can help you keep away deadly diseases like STDs. Help to share the knowledge with people around you and let us stop the spread of STDs once and for all.